Vladimir Igorevich Arnold

List of selected publications

1.   On the representability of functions of two variables in the form
     $\chi(\phi(x)+\psi(y))$. Uspehy Math. Nauk 1957, 12:2, 119-121.

2.   On the functions of three variables. Doklady AN USSR, 1957, 114:4, 

3.   On the representation of continuous functions of three variables by the
     superpositions of continuous functions of two variables. Matem. Sbornik, 
     1959, 48:1, 3-74 and 1962, 56:3, 392.

4.   A criterion of the nomografibility on the rectangular Cartesian abacus. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1961, 16:4, 133-135.

5.   Small denominators. I: On the maps of a circle onto itself. 
     Izvestija Ac. Sci. USSR, Ser. Math., 1961, 25:1, 21-86 and 
     1964, 28:2, 479-480.

6.   On the stability of the equilibrium of a Hamiltonian system of ordinary 
     differential equations in a generic elliptic case. Doklady AN USSR, 
     1961, 137:2, 255-257.

7.   On the birth of a conditional-periodic motion from a family of periodic 
     motions. Doklady, 1961, 138:1, 13-15.

8.   Some remarks on the flows of linear elements and frames. Doklady, 1961, 
     138:2, 255-257.

9.   Notes on the rotation numbers. Siberian Math. Jour., 1961, 2:6, 807-813.

10.  On the behavior of adiabatic invariants under a slow periodic change of 
     the Hamiltonian function. Doklady, 1962, 142:4, 758-761.

11.  On small perturbations of automorphisms of tori (with Ya.G. Sinai), 
     Doklady, 1962, 144:4, 695-698.

12.  On the classical perturbation theory and stability theory of planetary 
     systems. Doklady, 1962, 145:3, 487-490.

13.  A proof of the A.N. Kolmogorov's theorem on the conservation of 
     conditional-periodic motions in a small change of the Hamiltonian 
     function. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1963, 18:5, 13-40.

14.  Small denominators and problems on the stability of motions in the 
     classical and celestial mechanics. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1963, 18:6, 91-192.

15.  On one theorem of Liouville, concerning integrable problems of dynamics. 
     Siberian Math. J., 1963, 4:2, 471-474.

16.  Homogeneous distribution of points on a sphere and some ergodic properties 
     of linear ordinary differential equations in the complex domain (with 
     A.L. Krylov). Doklady, 1963, 148:1, 9-12.

17.  On the nonstability of dynamical systems with many degrees of freedom. 
     Doklady, 1964, 156:1, 9-12.

18.  Conditions of the applicability and an estimate of the mistake of the 
     averaging method for systems, which goes through the resonances during 
     the evolution process. Doklady, 1965, 161:1, 9-12.

19.  On the conditions of the nonlinear stability of flat stationary curvilinear 
     flows of the ideal fluid. Doklady, 1965, 162:5, 975-978.

20.  A Variational principle for three-dimensional stationary flows of the 
     ideal fluid. Applied Math. and Mechan., 1965, 29:5, 846-851.

21.  On the topology of three-dimensional stationary flows of the ideal fluid. 
     Applied Math. and Mech., 1966, 30:1, 183-185.

22.  Sur la courbure de Riemann des groupes de diffeomorphismes, 
     C.R.Ac.Sci. Paris, 1965, v.260, 5668-5671.

23.  Sur la topologie des ecoulements stationnaires des fluides parfaits, 
     C.R.Ac.Sci. Paris, 1965, v.261, 17-20.

24.  Sur une propriete topologique des applications globalement canoniques 
     de la mecanique classique, C.R.Ac. Sci.Paris, 1965, 261, 3719-3722.

25.  Sur la geometrie differentielle des groupes de Lie de dimension infinie 
     et ses applications a l'hydrodynamique des fluides parfaits. 
     Ann. Inst. Fourier, 1966, 16:1, 319-361.

26.  Sur un principe variationel pour les ecoulements stationaires. 
     J. de Mecanique, Paris, 1966, 5:1, 29-43.

27.  Problemes ergodiques de la mecanique classique (with A. Avez). 
     Gauthier-Villars, 1967, a book of 243 pages.

28.  On one a priori estimate in the theory of the hydrodynamical stability. 
     Izvestija VUZov, Ser.Mat., 1966, No.5, 3-5.

29.  Stability problem and ergodic properties of classical dynamical systems. 
     Proc. Intern. Congr. of Math. (Moscow, 1966); Trans. Congr. Intern. of 
     Mathematicians (Moscow, 1966). Mir Publishers, 1968, 387-392.

30.  On a characteristic class entering in the quantization conditions. 
     Funct. Anal. and its Appl. (FAA), 1967, 1:1, 1-14.

31.  A note on the Weierstrass preparation theorem. FAA, 1967, 1:3, 1-8.

32.  Singularities of smooth mappings. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1968, 23:1,3-44.

33.  On braids of algebraic functions and cohomologies of swallowtails. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1968, 23:4, 247-248.

34.  A remark on the ramification of hyperelliptic integrals as functions of 
     parameters. FAA 1968, 2:3, 1-3.

35.  Notes on the singularities of finite codimension in the complex dynamical 
     systems. FAA, 1969, 3:1, 1-6.

36.  The cohomology ring of the group of colored braids. Mat.Zametki 
     (Math. Notes), 1969, 5:2, 227-231.

37.  On some topological invariants of algebraic functions, I. 
     Trans. Moscow Math. Society, 1970, V.21, 27-46.

38.  On one-dimensional cohomology of the Lie algebra of nondivergent vector
     fields and rotation numbers of dynamical systems. FAA, 1969, 3:4, 77-78.

39.  Hamiltonial character of the Euler equations of dynamics of solids and 
    of ideal fluid. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1969, 24:6, 225-226.

40.  On cohomology classes of algebraic functions, stable under Tschirnhausen 
     transforms. FAA, 1970, 4:1, 84-85.

41.  Topological invariants of algebraic functions, II. FAA, 1970, 4:2,1-9.

42.  On local problems of Analysis. Vestnik Mosc. Univ., Ser. Math., 1970, 
     No.2, 52-56.

43.  Algebraic nonsolvability of the problem of Ljapunov stability and of the 
     problem of the topological classification of singular points of analytic 
     systems of differential equations. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1970, 25:2, 265-266.

44.  (The same title as for No.43) FAA, 1970, 4:3, 1-9.

45.  On matrices depending on parameters. Rus. Math. Surv., 1971, 26:2, 101-114.

46.  On the dispositions of ovals of real plane algebraic curves, involutions 
     of four-dimensional smooth manifolds and arithmetics of integer quadratic 
     forms. FAA 1971, 5:3, 1-9.

47.  Ordinary differential equations. Moscow, Nauka, 1971, 1-240.

48.  Notes on the behavior of flows of the three-dimensional ideal fluid under 
     a small perturbation of the initial velocity field. Appl. Math. Mech. 
     1972, 36:2, 255-262.

49.  A comment to "Sur un theoreme de la geometrie". In: Izbrannye trudy 
     A.Puankare (H. Poincare, Selected Works), M., Nauka, 1972, vol.2, 987-989.

50.  Integrals of rapidly oscillating functions and singularities of 
     projections of Lagrange manifolds. FAA 1972, 6:3, 61-62.

51.  Normal forms of functions near degenerate critical points, Weyl groups 
     A, D, E and Lagrange singularities. FAA 1972, 6:4, 3-25.

52.  Lectures on bifurcations and versal families. Rus. Math. Surv. 1972, 
     27:5, 119-182.

53.  Modes and quasimodes. FAA 1972, 6:2, 12-20.

54.  Classification of unimodal critical points of functions. FAA 1973, 
     7:3, 75-76.

55.  Notes on the stationary phase method and Coxeter numbers. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 28:5, 1973, 17-44.

56.  Normal forms of functions in a neighborhood of degenerate critical points. 
     Rus. Math. Surv. 1974, 29:2, 11-49.

57.  Topology of real algebraic curves (works of I.G.Petrovsky and their 
     development). Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1974, 28:5, 260-262.

58.  Critical points of functions and classification of caustics. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1974, 29:2, 243-244.

59.  Mathematical methods of classical mechanics. Moscow, Nauka, 1974, 432 p.

60.  Asymptotical Hopf invariant and its applications. Trans. of All-Union 
     School on differential equations. Erevan, 1974, 229-256 (Engl. translation: 
     Selecta Math. Sov., 1986, 5:4, 327-346).

61.  Critical point of smooth functions. Vancouver Intern. Congr. of Math., 
     1974, vol.1, 19-39.

62.  Classification of bimodal critical points of functions. 
     FAA 1975, 9:1, 49-50.

63.  Critical points of smooth functions and their normal forms. 
     Rus. Math. Surv., 1975, 30:5, 3-65.

64.  Local normal forms of functions. Invent. Math. 1976, 35:1, 87-109.

65.  A spectral sequence for the reduction of functions to normal forms. 
     FAA 1975, 9:3, 81-82.

66.  Spectral sequences for reduction of functions to normal forms. In: 
     "Problems of mechanics and mathematical physics". Nauka, 1976, 7-20 
     (Engl. transl.: Selecta Math. Sov. 1:1, 1981, 3-18).

67.  On the theory of envelopes. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1976, 31:3, 248-249.

68.  Some unsolved problems of the singularity theory. In: Trans. of the 
     seminar of S.L.Sobolev. Novosubirsk, 1976, 5-15.

69.  Bifurcation of invariant manifolds of differential equations and 
     structure of the neighborhood of an elliptic curve on a complex surface. 
     FAA, 1975, 10:4, 1-12.

70.  Wave front evolution and equivariant Morse Lemma. Comm Pure and Appl. 
     Math. 1976, 29:6, 557-582.

71.  Loss of stability of autooscillations near resonances and versal 
     deformations of equivariant vector fields. FAA 1977, 11:2, 1-10.

72.  Index of a singular point of a vector field, Petrovsky-Oleinik 
     inequalities and mixed Hodge structures. FAA 1978, 12:1, 1-14.

73.  Critical points of functions on manifolds with boundary, simple Lie 
     groups B, C, F and singularities of evolutes. Rus. Math. Surv. 1978, 
     33:5, 91-105.

74.  Additional chapters of the theory of ordinary differential equations. 
     Moscow, Nauka, 1978, 304 p.

75.  Some problems of theory of differential equations. In: Non-solved 
     problems of mechanics and mathematics. Moscow State Univ. Press 1977, 3-9.

76.  On the contemporary development of I.G.Petrovsky's works on topology of 
     real algebraic manifolds. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1977, 32:3, 215-216.

77.  Indices of singular points of 1-forms on a manifold with a boundary, 
     convolution of invariants of groups generated by reflections, and singular 
     projections of smooth surfaces. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1979, 34:2, 3-36.

78.  On some problems in singularity theory. In: Geometry and Analysis, 
     Papers dedicated to the Memory of V.K. Patodi. Proc. Indian Ac. Sci., 
     99:1, 1981, 1-9.

79.  Real algebraic geometry (with O.A. Oleinik). Vestnik (Bulletin) Moscow 
     State Univ., Ser. 1, 1979, No.6, 7-17.

80.  Stable oscillations whose potential energy is harmonic on the space and 
     periodic on the time. Appl. Math. Mach. 1979, 43:2, 360-363.

81.  Catastrophe theory. Priroda 1979, No.10, 54-63.

82.  Statistics of integer convex polyhedra. FAA 1980, 14:2, 1-3.

83.  Lagrange and Legendre cobordisms. FAA 1980, 14:3, 1-13 and 14:4, 8-17.

84.  Catastrophe theory. Moscow, Znanie Publishers, 1981, 64 p.

85.  Large scale structure of the Universe I. General properties. One and 
     two-dimensional models (with Ya.B. Zeldovich and S.F. Shandarin). 
     Preprint Inst. Appl. Math. No.100, 1981, 32 p. (Engl. transl.: 
     Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 1982, V. 20, 111-130).

86.  Large scale structure of the Universe (with Ya.B. Zeldovich and 
     S.F. Shandarin). Rus. Math. Surv. 1981, 36:3, 244-245.

87.  Sweeping of the caustic by the cusps of moving front. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 
     1981, 36:4, 233.

88.  Magnetic field in a moving conducting liquid (with Ya.B. Zeldovich, 
     A.A. Rusmaikin and D.D. Sokolov). Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1981, 36:5, 220-221.

89.  Magnetic field in a stationary flow with expansions in a Riemannian 
     space (with Ya. B. Zeldovich, A.A. Rusmaikin and D.D. Sokolov). 
     J. of Exp. and Theor. Phys. 1981, 81:6, 2052-2058.

90.  Lagrange manifolds with singularities, asymptotical rays and unfurled 
     swallowtail. FAA 1981, 15:4, 1-14.

91.  Asymptotical rays in symplectic and contact geometry. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 
     1982, 37:2, 182-183.

92.  Singularities of differentiable maps I. Classification of critical points, 
     caustics and wave fronts (with A.N. Varchenko and S.M. Gusein-Zade). 
     Moscow, Nauka, 1982, 304 p.

93.  Stationary magnetic field in a periodic flow (with Ya.B. Zeldovich, 
     A.A. Rusmaikin, D.D. Sokolov). Doklady AN USSR 1982, 266:6, 1357-1358.

94.  Singularities of Legendre varieties, of evolvents and of fronts at an 
     obstacle. Ergodic Theory and Dyn. Systems, 1982, v.2, 301-309.

95.  On the Newtonian attraction of a multitude of dust-like particles. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1982, 37:4, 125.

96.  Surgeries of singularities of potential flows in a collisionless media 
     and metamorphoses of caustics in a three dimensional space. 
     Trans. of the I.G. Petrovsky seminar, 1982, vol.8, 21-57.

97.  Some notes on the antidynamo theorem. Vestnik (Bulletin) Mosk. State 
     Univ., Ser.1, 1982, No.6, 50-57.

98.  On the Newtonian potential oh hyperbolic layers. Memoirs of Tbilisi 
     Univ. 1982, vol. 232-233, 23-28 (Engl. transl.: Selecta Math. Sov., 
     1985, 4:2, 103-106).

99.  Increase of a magnetic field in a three-dimensional flow of a 
     noncondensable fluid (with E.I. Korkina) Vestnik (Bull.) 
     Mosc. State Univ., Ser.1, 1983, No.3, 43-46.

100. Evolution of a magnetic field under the action of translaton and 
     difusion. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1983, 38:2, 226-227.

101. Singularities of systems of rays. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1983, 38:2, 77-147.

102. Notes on the perturbation theory for the problems of Matieu type. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 38:4, 1983, 189-203.

103. Singularities in the variational calculus. Contemp. Probl. of Math. 
     1983, v.22, 3-55 (Engl. transl.: J. Soviet Math.)

104. Singularities, bifurcations and catastrophes. Uspehy Phys. Nauk (Soviet 
     Phys. Uspehy), 1983, 141:4, 569-590.

105. Catastrophe theory, extended 2-d edition. Mosc. State Univ. Press, 
     1983, 80 p.

106. Geometrical methods in the theory of ordinary differential equations. 
     Springer, New York a.o., 1983, 334 p.

107. Magnetic analogues of the Newton's and Ivory's theorems. Uspehy Math. 
     Nauk, 1983, 38:5, 145-146.

108. Some algebro-geometrical aspects of the Newton attraction theory. 
     Progress in Math., Vol.36, Birkhauser, Basel, 1983, 1-3.

109. Some open problems in the theory of singularities. Proc. of Symposia 
     in Pure Math., Vol.40 Part 1, 1983, p.57-69.

110. Singularities of functions, wave fronts, caustics and multidimensional 
     integrals (with A.N. Varchenko, A.B. Givental and A.G. Khovansky). 
     Mathematical Physics Reviews, Vol.4, 1984, 1-92.

111. Catastrophe theory. Springer, Berlin, 1984, 79 p.

112. Singularities of differentiable maps II. Monodromy and asymptotics of 
     integrals (with A.N. Varchenko and S.M. Gusein-Zade). Moscow, Nauka, 1984, 336 p.

113. Vanishing inflexions. FAA 1984, 18:2, 51-52.

114. Some remarks on the elliptic coordinates. Notes of LOMI Scientific 
     Seminars. 1984, v.133, 38-50.

115. Singularities in the variational calculus. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1984, 

116. On the evolution of magnetic field under the action of translation 
     and diffusion. In.: Some problems of contemporary analysis, 
     Mosc. State Univ. Press, 1984, 8-21.

117. Reversible systems. In: Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes. 
     Gordon and Breach, New York 1984, 1161-1174.

118. Exponential dispersion of trajectories and its hydrodynamical 
     applications. In: N.E. Kotchin and Development of Mechanics. 
     Moscow, Nauka, 1984, 185-193.

119. English translation of No.92. Birkhauser, Boston a.o. 1985, 1-385.

120. Singularities of Ray Systems. Proc. Intern. Congr. Math., August 16-24, 
     1983, Warszawa, Vol. 1, 27-49.

121. Ordinary differential equations. 3-d edition, revized and expanded. 
     Moscow, Nauka, 1984, 1-272.

122. Ordinary differential equations (with Yu.S. Il'ashenko). Current Probl. 
     Math. VINITI, Fundamental Directions, Vol.1. Moscow, VINITI, 1985, 7-149 
     (Engl. transl. in: Springer, Encycl. of Math. Sciences, Vol.1)

123. Period maps and Poisson structures. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1985, 40:5, 236.

124. Sturm theorems and symplectic geometry. FAA, 19:4, 1985, 1-10.

125. Superpositions. In: A.N.Kolmogorov, Selected Works, Mechanics and 
     Mathematics. Moscow, Nauka, 1985, 444-451.

126. Classical mechanics. In: A.N.Kolmogorov, Selected Works, Moscow, 
     Nauka, 1985, 433-444.

127. Implicit differential equations, contact structures and relaxation 
     oscillations. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 40:5 (1985), 188.

128. Mathematical aspects of classical and Celestial Mechanics (with 
     V.V. Kozlov and A.I. Neistadt). Moscow, VINITI, 1985. (Engl. transl.: 
     Springer, Encycl. of Math. Sciences, Vol.3).

129. Symplectic geometry (with A.B. Givental). Current Probl. in Math. VINITI,
     Fundam. Directions, Vol.4. Moscow, VINITI, 1985, 7-139. (Engl. transl. in: 
     Springer, Encycl. Math. Sciences, Vol.4)

130. On some nonlinear problems. In: Crafoord prize in mathematics, 1982. 
     Crafoord lectures, The Royal Swedish Ac. of Sci., 1986, 1-7.

131. Catastrophe Theory. Second revized and expanded edition. Springer, 
     Berlin, 1986, 108 pages.

132. Hyperbolic polynomials and Vandermond maps. FAA 20:2, 1986, 52-53.

133. Singularities of boundaries of spaces of differential equations. Uspehy 
     Math. Nauk, 41:4, 1986, 152-154.

134. First steps of symplectic topology. Rus. Math. Surv., 41:6, 1986, 3-18.

135. Catastrophe theory and new possibilities of the application of 
     mathematics. In: Mathematization of the contemporary science. 
     Moscow, 1986, 81-87.

136. Bifurcation theory (with V.C. Afraimovitch, Yu.S. Il'ashenko and 
     L.P. Shil'nikov). Current probl. of Math. VINITI, Fund. Directions, 
     Vol.5. Moscow, VINITI, 1986, 5-218. (Engl. transl. in: Springer, 
     Berlin a.o., Encycl. of Math. Sciences, Vol. 5)

137. Catastrophe theory. The same issue as for No.136, 219-277.

138. Oscillations and bifurcations in reversible systems (with M.B. Sevrjuk). 
     In: Nonlinear Phenomena in plasma physics and Hydrodynamics, ed.: 
     R.Z. Sagdeev. Mir Publishers, 1986, 31-64.

139. French translation of No. 92 and No. 112. Moscow, Mir Publishers, 1986.

140. 300-th Anniversary of the mathematical natural philosophy and celestial 
     mechanics. Priroda, 1987, No.8(864), 5-15.

141. Hungarian edition of No.46. Budapest, 1987.

142. Quasicrystalls, Penrose partitions, Markov partitions, stochastic web 
     and singularity theory. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 42:4, 1987, 139.

143. Second Kepler's law and topology of Abelian integrals (according to 
     I.Newton). Kvant, 1987, No.12, 17-21.

144. Convex hulls and encreasing of productivity of systems in the pulsatory 
     load. Siberian Math. J., 28:4, 1987, 29-31.

145. Contact structure, relaxational oscillations and singular points of 
     implicit differential equations. In: Geometry and singularity theory 
     in nonlinear equations. Voronezh, 1987, 3-8.

146. Portuguese transl. of No.59. Mir Publishers, 1987

147. Topological proof of the trnscendence of Abelian integrals in the 
     Newtons "Principia". Histor.-Math. Investigations, XXXI, Moscow, Nauka, 
     1989, 7-17.

148. Ramified covering CP2 ? S4 , hyperbolicity and projective topology. 
     Siberian Math. J., 29:5, 1988, 36-47.

149. Notes on the Poisson structures on the plane and other powers of the 
     volume forms. Trans. of the I.G.Petrovsky seminar, No.12, 1987, 37-46.

150. German transl. of No. 72. Birkhauser, Basel, 1987, 320 p.

151. Mathematics with a human face. Priroda 1988, No.3, 117-119.

152. On surfaces, defined by hyperbolic equations. Matem Zametki (Math. 
     Notices) 1988, 44:1, 3-17.

153. Remarks on quasicrystallic symmetries. Physica D, nonlinear phenomena. 
     1988, 33:(1-3), 21-25.

154. On some problems in symplectic topology. In: Topology and Geometry. 
     Rohlin Seminar. O.Ya.Viro (Ed.) Springer Lecture Notes Math., 1346 
     (1988), 1-5.

155. On the interior scattering of waves, defined by hyperbolic variational 
     principles. J. of Geometry and Physics 1988. Vol.V, No.3, 305-315.

156. Bifurcations and singularities in mathematics and mechanics. 
     In: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics XVII IUTAM, Congress, Grenoble, 
     1988. Elsevier, 1989, 1-25.

157. German transl. of No.59. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften DDR, 
     520, 1988.

158. Singularities I. Local and Global Theory (with V.A. Vassil'ev, 
     V.V. Gorjunov and O.V. Ljashko). Moscow, VINITI, 1988, 1-256 (to be 
     transl. by Springer as Vol.6 of Encycl. Math. Sciences).

159. Singularities II. Classification and Applications (with V.A. Vassil'ev, 
     V.V. Gorjunov and O.V. Ljashko). Moscow, VINITI, 1989, 1-256 
     (to be transl. by Springer as Vol. 39 of Encycl. Math. Sci.).

160. Dynamics of intersections. In: Analysis, et cetera. Research papers 
     Published in Honor of Jurgen Moser's 60-th Birthday. Eds. P.Rabinovitz, 
     E. Zehnder. Acad. Press, San Diego, 1990, 77-84.

161. A-graded algebras with 3 generators. Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 42, 
     1989, 993-1000.

162. Engl. transl. of No.112. Birkhauser, Boston a.o., 492 p.

163. Some words on Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 
     43:6, 1988, 34.

164. A.N.Kolmogorov in the reminiscences of pupils. Kvant, 1988, No.11-12, 34.

165. A.N.Kolmogorov, obituary. Physics today. 42:10, 1989, 148-150.

166. Contact structure, relaxation oscillations and singular points of 
     implicit differential equations, in: Springer Lecture Notes Math., 
     1334, 173-179; 1988.

167. Spaces of functions with mild singularities. FAA, 23:3, 1988, 1-10.

168. Teoria delle catastrofi. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 1990, 146 p.

169. Newton's principia read 300 Years later (with V.A. Vassil'ev). Notices 
     of the Amer. Math. Soc., 1989, 36:9, 1148-1154 and 37:2 (1990), 144.

170. Some unsolved problems of theory of differential equations and 
     mathematical physics. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1989, 44:4, 191-192.

171. Contact geometry: the geometrical method of Gibbs thermodynamics. 
     AMS, 1990.

172. Singularity theory and its applications. Lezioni Fermiane. Academia 
     Nazionale Dei Lincei. Scuola Normale Superiore. Pisa, 1990.

173. Catastrophe theory. Nauka i zhish'n (Science and life) 1989 No.10, 12-19.

174. Contact geometry and wave propagation. Monographie No.34 Enseign. Math., 
     1989, 56 pages.

175. Ten problems. In: Singularity theory and its applications. Adv. in 
     Soviet math. Vol. 1. AMS, 1990, 1-8.

176. One hundred problems. MFTI, Moscow, 1989.

177. Bernoulli-Euler updown numbers associated with function singularities, 
     their combinatorics and arithmetics. Duke Math. J.,  63:2, 1991, 537-555.

178. Dynamics of complexity of intersections. Boletim da Sociedade Brasiliera 
     de Mathematica 21:1, 1990, 1-10.

179. Huygens and Barrow, Newton and Hooke, Birkhauser, Basel a.o., 1990, 118 p.

180. Mathematical trivium. Uspehy Math Nauk,  46:1, 1991, 225-232.

181. Catastrophe theory. 3-d edition, extended. Moscow, Nauka, 1990, 128 p.

182. 3-d edition of No.59, extended. Moscow, Nauka, 1988. 472 p.

183. Singularities of Caustics and Wave Fronts. Kluwer, 1990.

184. Topological and ergodic properties of a closed differential 1-form, 
     Func. Anal. Appl. 25:2 (1991),1-12.

185. Meanders. Kvant, 1991, no. 3, pp. 11-14.

186. Majoration of Milnor numbers of intersections in holomorphic dynamical 
     systems, preprint 652 Utrecht Univ., April 1991, 1-9 (Topological 
     Methods in Modern Mathematics, Publish or Perish 1992).

187. Springer numbers and morsification spaces, prprint 658 Utrecht Univ., 
     April 1991, pp. 1-18. (J. Alg. Geom. 1:2, 1992)

188. Calculus of snakes, Uspehi Math. Nauk., 47, v. 2, 1992.

189. Problems on singularities and dynamical systems, Progress in Sov. Math., 
     Chapman and Hall, 1992.

190. Topological methods in hydrodynamics (with B.A. Khesin), Annual Reviews 
     in Fluid Dynamics, 24, 1992.

191. Mathematical trivium - II. Uspehy Math Nauk,  48:1, 1993, 211-222.

192. Bounds for Milnor numbers of intersections in holomorphic dynamical
     systems. In: Topological methods in Modern Mathematics (Stony Brook,
     NY, 1991). - Houston, TX: Publish or Perish, 1993, 379--390.

193. Sur les proprietes topologiques des projections lagrangiennes en
     geometrie symplectique des caustiques. -- CEREMADE, Universite
     Paris-Dauphine. Cahiers de Mathematiques de la Decision, 9320,
     14.06.93, 9 p.

194. On the topological properties of Legendrian projections in the contact
     geometry of wave fronts. Algebra and Analysis, 1994, 6(3), 1--16
     (in Russian).

195. Topological Invariants of Plane Curves and Caustics. Dean Jacqueline
     B. Lewis Memorial Lectures, Rutgers University. -- Providence, RI:
     Amer. Math. Soc., 1994, VIII+60 p. (University Lecture Series, 5).

196. Topological classification of real trigonometric polynomials and
     cyclic serpents polyhedron. In: Arnold--Gelfand Mathematical Seminars.
     -- Boston: Birkhauser, 1996.

197. Toronto lectures, June 1997 
     Lecture 1: From Hilbert's Superposition Problem to Dynamical
     Lecture 2: Symplectization, Complexification and Mathematical
     Lecture 3: Topological Problems in Wave Propagation Theory and
                Topological Economy Principle in Algebraic Geometry. 
     (available at http://www.botik.ru/~duzhin/arnold/arn-papers.html).

198. On the problem of realization of a given Gaussian curvature function.
     Preprint, 12-Feb-98. (http://www.botik.ru/~duzhin/arnold/Gaussian.tex.gz).

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