Methods of Logic in Mathematics
June 1 - 7, 2006

Preliminary Program

June 1

9:00:-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:10 Welcome address by A. Vershik
10:10-11:00 Yu. Matiyasevich On possible logic approach to theorems in discrete mathematics
 coffee break, chat
11:20-12:10 B. Kastermans A coanalytic maximal cofinitary group
12:10-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:50 A. Morozov (I) Symmetry and computability
 coffee break, chat
15:10-16:00 V. Tolstykh (I) Complete automorphism groups of relatively free groups
 coffee break, chat
16:20-17:10 G. Mints Effective content of non-effective proofs
17:20-18:10M. Taitslin Some open problems in complexity theory

June 2

10:00-10:50 A.Morozov (II) Symmetry and computability
 coffee break, chat
11:10-12:00 V.Tolstykh (II) Complete automorphism groups of relatively free groups
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:50 I. Ben-Yaacov Continuous logic and the model theory of metric structures
15:00-15:50 T. Hyttinen Banach space model theory and abstract elementary classes
 coffee break, chat
16:10-17:00 E. Gordon Commutative harmonic analysis in the hyperfinite mathematics
17:10-18:00 B. Velickovic Complexity of classification problems in group theory
18:05-18:20 Aleksander Ivanov Group actions on trees and definability
18:25-18:40 Sergej Sudoplatov Infinite weight in stable generic graphs without furcations

June 3

10:00-10:50 A.Morozov (III) Symmetry and computability
 coffee break, chat
11:10-12:00 V.Tolstykh (III) Complete automorphism groups of relatively free groups
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:50 Marc Rosso Braids: from logic to physics via combinatorics and quantum groups
15:00-15:50 A. Blass Self-dual quantifiers
 coffee break, chat
16:10-17:00 A. Vershik Rigigity of Urysohn space and Kantorovich functor
17:10-18:00 O. Kharlampovich On elementary theories of free groups

June 4

Cultural Activity

June 5

10:00-10:50 A.Myasnikov (I) Asymptotic algebra and modern cryptanalysis
 coffee break, chat
11:10-12:00 N. Shanin About basic notions of finitary mathematics
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:50 R. Gilman Generic complexity
15:00-15:50 N. Makarenko The method of generalized centralizers in group and ring theory
 coffee break, chat
16:10-17:00 T. Yavorskaya Logic of proofs and labels
17:10-18:00 P. Andreev Relative standardness

June 6
10:00-10:50 A.Myasnikov (II) Asymptotic algebra and modern cryptanalysis
 coffee break, chat
11:10-12:00 A. Shen Kolmogorov complexity and proof theory: a question
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:50 V. Remeslennikov Free partially commutative groups
15:00-15:50 I. Kazachkov Orthogonality theory in graphs and the lattice of centralisers in free partially commutative groups
 coffee break, chat
16:10-17:50 Contribute Talks
16:10-16:25 Pavel Morar Calculation of the spectral radius for a series of groups
16:30-16:45Evgenij Esyp Divisibility theory for R.Thompson group
16:45-17:00 Coffee break, chat
17:00-17:15Alexander Rybalov On Generic decidability of the halting Problem
17:15-17:30Ekaterina FokinaComplexity of theories of computable models

June 7

10:00-10:50 A.Myasnikov (III) Asymptotic algebra and modern cryptanalysis
 coffee break, chat
11:10-12:00 P. Zograf Tensor networks and enumeration problems in graphs
12:10-13:00 R. Yavorsky On provability logic with quantifiers on proofs
12:00-12:10 Closing Remarks by Anatoly Vershik, Andreas Blass
12:10-14:00 Lunch