Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2012

International Interdisciplinary Conference to be held on 22-25 of May, 2012


Submission Specification

Please submit a contributed paper as an e-mail attachment on (or before) 26th March, 2012. In the body of the message include the paper title and the authors' names and affiliations, as well as the e-mail address for the corresponding author. Please submit pdf-file of your paper together with its source files (rtf-file for paper prepared with MS Word; source tex-file and BiBTeX bib-file for paper prepared with LaTeX. Please name the submission files in the format: "authorname.pdf", "authorname.rtf", "authorname.tex", "authorname.bib". Address for submission: Every contributed paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. In selection of papers for presentation, there will be no quotas based on discipline.

Authors' Guidelines

The submitted paper should conform to formatting requirements formulated in the files "PhML_2012.pdf", "PhML_2012.rtf". To facilitate the formatting of paper, please use the following PhML-2012 style files:

Please, use the latest version of PhML-2012 style files; at present, it is the Version 1.1, dated by March 23, 2012.

LaTeX MS Word
PhML_2012.tex PhML_2012.rtf


Links to: PDMI,  EIMI Last Update: March 23, 2012