Professor Avinoam Nir

I have recently participated in a workshop on Free Boundaries in Viscous Flows which was held at the Euler Institute in St. Petersburg. The workshop, organized by V. V. Pukhnachov and V. A. Solonnikov, attracted the fluid mechanicians and mathematicians from around the globe and was a most stimulating encounter in which PDE and their applications in free boudary problems were reviewed and discussed.
The Euler Institute gave a most suitable surrounding and atmosphere to the success of the workshop. It is located far from the noise fo the city in a beautiful building with wide grounds which give the impression of almost being in the countryside. Yet it is relatively close to the center of St. Petersburg with its architectural and cultural and artistic marvels. It provided an ideal settup for the meeting. I enjoyed the conference and the hospitality immensly and I am sure that my other colleagues share this feeling.
Kudish Chair in Chemical Engineering 
Department of Chemical Engineering
Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel
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