%Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 17:44:51 -0400 (EDT) %From: Sergei S Anisov \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsfonts} \def\A{{\cal A}} \def\bez{\setminus} \def\G{\Gamma} \def\g{\gamma} \def\RP{{\mathbb R}{\bf P}} \title{On the number of flattening points of space curves} \author{S.Anisov} \date{September 25, 1998} \begin{document} \maketitle \pagestyle{empty} This note contains a simple proof of the main result of V.I.Arnold's paper ``On the number of flattening points of space curves''. Let $\G\in\RP^{n+1}$ be a curve such that $\g=p_O(\G)$ is a convex curve in $\RP^n$, where $p_O$ is the central projection from a point $O\in\RP^{n+1}\bez\G$. I want to prove that there are at least $n+2$ flattening points on $\G$. Let $\A\in\RP^{n+1}$ be a set of points such that the projection $p_A(\G)\subset\RP^n$ is convex. It is easy to see that $\A$ is bounded by the osculating hyperplanes of $\G$. Then it is no harder to show that in fact $\A$ is bounded by the osculating hyperplanes at the flattening points of $\G$ only (S.Sedykh also found this). By $N$ denote the number of flattening points of $\G$. Suppose that $N