Convex Curves in $\RP^n$ S.S.Anisov Convex curves, that is, curves in $\RP^n$ intersecting any hyperplane at most n$ times, arise between singularity theory, projective geometry, differential geometry, and theory of Chebyshev systems of functions. Author's research was stimulated by V.~I.~Arnold's paper~\cite4, which is devoted to the following theorem: if $\G$ is a curve in $\RP^{n+1}$ such that its projection $\g=p_A(\G)$ (where $A\notin\G$) is a convex curve in $\RP^n$, then there are at least $n 2$ different flattening points on~$\G$. (Recently A.~O.~Viro proved the converse theorem~\cite9: for a nonconvex curve $\g\subset\RP^n$ there exists its lifting with less than $n+2$ flattening points.) Many questions and conjectures concerning convex curves are stated in ~\cite{4,~5}. This paper contains answers for most of them. In \S3 we prove that any convex curve $\g\subset\RP^n$ is a projection $p_A(\G)$ of some convex curve $\G\subset\RP^{n+1}$ passing through $A$; here $A$ is an arbitrary point in $\RP^{n+1}\setminus\RP^n$. This enables us to find the homotopy type of the space of convex curves in $\RP^n$ (which is a subset of $C^n(S^1,\RP^n)$): it is homotopy equivalent to the orthogonal group $\SO(n+1,\R)$ or to the group $\PSO(n+1,\R)$, depending on the parity of $n$ (see \S4; before M.~Shapiro has proved~\cite{19} that this space is connected). In \S7 we prove that for a convex curve in even-dimensional Euclidean space there exists a subspace of codimension~2 such that the projection of the curve on this subspace also is convex. To this end, it is necessary to study the structure of the sets $M_k(\G)$ of the hyperplanes that intersect $\G$ exactly $k$ times (see \S6). As a by-product, this implies that any Chebyshev system of functions on the circle contains (up to linear transformation, normalization, and reparametrization) the functions $\sin\f$ and $\cos\f$ simultaneously. In \S5 we consider various generalizations of the concept of convexity. A more detailed review of principal results can be found in \S2; the following sections contain the proofs. Definitions are collected in \S1, which also contains two isolated theorems that are not used below: Theorem~4 describes the convex hull of a convex curve, and Theorem~5 shows that a convex curve cannot be longer than $n\pi$.