This paper is an appendix to the paper \cite{Msadinv} written too late. Using the technique developed in \cite{Msadinv} it gives an explicit formula for certain invariant of $3$-ornaments of order $6$, which was guessed in \cite{V} but whose existence remained only conjectural. Now the classification of invariants of $3$-ornaments of order $6$, described in \cite{Mfinv} modulo this conjecture, becomes complete. \bibItem[M95]{Mfinv} A.B.Merkov, {\em Finite-order invariants of ornaments}, J. of Math. Sciences, vol.90, no.4 (1998), pp.2215--2273. \bibItem[M00]{Msadinv} A.B.Merkov, {\em Segment-arrow Diagrams and Invariants Of Ornaments}, Sbornik: Mathematics 191:11 pp.1635--1666. \bibItem[V93]{V} V.A.Vassiliev, {\em Invariants of ornaments}, in: {\em Singularities and Bifurcations}, AMS, Advances in Soviet Math., vol.~21 (ed. V.I.Arnold), Providence, RI, 1994, p. 225--261.