Enumerative geometry is traditionally considered as a subject of intersection theory. Modern intersection theory with its methods of singular schemes, blowing-ups, residue intersections, and Hilbert schemes is rather technical and a rigorous proof of very simple geometrically evident results require often many pages of complicated formulas and commutative diagrams. For example, the number of planes in $\C P^3$ touching a fixed degree $d$ smooth hypersurface at three points was computed by Salmon in the middle of XIX-th century but the proof that would satisfy modern algebraists has appeared comparatively recently. On the other hand, the answer to the similar question about hypersurfaces in $\C P^n$, for $n>3$ seems to be unknown. In this note we present an alternative approach to enumerative geometry whose motivation belongs to singularity theory and topology, more precisely, to the theory of cobordisms and cohomological operations. We announce a universal formula that expresses the classes dual to various multisingularity loci via so called residue polynomials associated with the multisingularities. This formula refines the known multiple point formulas due to S.L.~Kleiman~\cite{Kl1,Kl2,Kl3} and S.~Katz~\cite{Katz} to the case of arbitrary proper maps and generalizes it to the case of arbitrary multisingularity types. The formula reduces the problem of finding classes of multisingularity loci to the problem of finding the coefficients of the residue polynomial. To find these coefficients we use a method of using symmetries suggested by R.~Rim\'anyi for a close problem~\cite{R1,R2}. Note that these computations are very far from the concrete geometrical problems to which the formulas are applied. This is the reason, perhaps, why our main formula have not been observed before. We present also a version of this formula for the classes dual to the loci of isolated hypersurface multisingularities. Particular cases of this formula cover many classical enumerative problems: enumerating singular curves on surfaces, enumerating singular hyperplane sections of a fixed projective variety, enumerating projective subspaces of a given tangency type with a fixed hypersurface and many others. Our computations agree with the classical formulas of Pl\"ucker and Salmon as well as with more recent results of P.~Le Barz~\cite{LB}, S.J.~Colley~\cite{Co1,Co2}, V.A.~Vainsencher~\cite{Vains}, L.~G\"ottsche~\cite{G}, L.~Caporaso and J.~Harris~\cite{CH}, S.L.~Kleiman and R.~Piene~\cite{KP1,KP2} and many other authors contributed to the solution of these problems. In particular, our formula confirms and refines the G\"ottsche's conjecture on the number of plane nodal curves and all its variations due to Kleiman and Piene. We recognize that the present paper contains no proof of the main formula. Therefore until the complete proof is published it should be considered as a conjecture. But after numerous topological and enumerative confirmations there is no doubt that it is valid also for Chow rings and over any algebraically closed ground field.