V.Vassiliev Abstract of the talk at Arnold's seminar, November 3, 1998 \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \begin{document} {\bf On finite order invariants of triple points free plane curves} \bigskip The intensive study of invariants of generic immersions $S^1 \to {\bf R}^2$ was started by Arnold and continued by Viro, Polyak, Aicardi, Shumakovich, Tabachnikov, Gusein-Zade, Merkov, Kazaryan, and many others. The most interesting invariant of such objects, the {\em strangeness}, is in fact an invariant of triple points free immersions $S^1 \to {\bf R}^2$ (with allowed self-tangencies). We describe the regular techniques of calculating all finite-order invariants of triple points free smooth plane curves $S^1 \to {\bf R}^2$ (maybe with singular points: a problem previously considered also by A.~B.~Merkov, who obtained some basic results). These techniques are a direct analog of these for knot invariants and are based on the calculus of {\em triangular diagrams} and {\em connected hypergraphs} in the same way as the calculation of knot invariants is based on the study of chord diagrams and connected graphs. E.g., the simplest such invariant is of order 4 and corresponds to the triangular diagram \unitlength=1.00mm \special{em:linewidth 0.4pt} \linethickness{0.4pt} \begin{picture}(3.33,4.34) \put(0.67,1.67){\circle{5.33}} \put(0.67,-1.00){\line(-3,5){2.33}} \put(-1.66,3.00){\line(1,0){4.33}} \put(2.67,3.00){\line(-1,-2){2.00}} \put(0.67,4.34){\line(-1,-2){2.00}} \put(-1.33,0.34){\line(1,0){4.00}} \put(2.67,0.34){\line(-1,2){2.00}} \end{picture} in the same way as the simplest knot invariant (of order 2) corresponds to the 2-chord diagram $\bigoplus$. Also, following V.~I.~Arnold, we consider invariants of {\em immersed} triple points free curves and describe similar techniques also for this problem, and, more generally, for the calculation of homology groups of the space of immersed plane curves without points of multiplicity $\ge k$ for any $k \ge 3.$ \end{document}