Arnold's seminar, Decemvber 22, 1998 Vladlen Timorin. Amoebas and Laurent series. Summary of the talk. This talk is based on the Doctoral Thesis of M. Forsberg and on a recent paper of G. Mikhalkin. Let p be a polynomial in n complex variables. Consider the following map Ln: z ----> ln|z|. The image of the zero set {p=0} under this map is called the amoeba of the polynomial p. It turns out that the complement to the amoeba splits into a finite number of convex components. This result and the definition of amoeba are due to Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. The number of the components is bounded from above by the number of integer points in the Newton polytope N. Each vertex of p corresponds to a component. There may be several components that correspond to interior integer points of N or to relative interiors of some faces of N. But existence of such components depends on the coefficients of p. The following results will presumably be explained: 1) The components of the complement to the amoeba coincide with the domains of convergence of Laurent expansions for 1/p. 2) There is a universal amoeba constructed by the polynomial p with additional variables instead of coefficients. Its complement has the same number of components as p has monomials. 3) A 2-dimensional amoeba looks like the dual graph to a certain subdivision of the Newton polytope. 4) The degree of the logarithmic Gauss map from {p=0} to CP^n equals to n!Vol(N).