Arnold's seminar February 9, 1999 Sergei K. Lando Summary of the talk "On a Hopf algebra in graph theory". It is possible to associate to a chord diagram its intersection graph. The vertices of the graph are in one-to-one correspondence with the chords of the diagram, and two vertices are connected by an edge iff the corresponding chords intersect. In 1992 Duzhin noted that the chromatic polynomial of the intersection graph of a chord diagram determines a Vassiliev invariant of knots. He also posed a problem, what part of the information about a chord diagram is encoded in its intersection graph. In a joint paper (Chmutov-Duzhin-Lando, 1994) we constructed a Hopf algebra of graphs and proved that there is at least one nontrivial primitive element of each order in the Hopf algebra of chord diagrams. It was obvious, however, that the intersection graphs carry much more rich information than that covered by our algebra. I am going to talk about a new Hopf algebra of graphs (the 4-bialgebra), which incorporates much more powerful data than the one mentioned above. Calculations have shown that up to order 6 this Hopf algebra is isomorphic to the Hopf algebra of chord diagrams (E.Soboleva), but that the isomorphism fails to be true starting from order 7 (A.Kaishev, January 1999). A number of conjectures concerning the interrelation between the two algebras will be presented.