Arnold's Seminar March 23, 1999 P.Pushkar', Lagrangian intersections in a symplectic vector space. Summary. I would like to speak about the following theorem. Theorem. Let L be the product of the standard unit circles lying in the coordinate symplectic planes of the standard symplectic space R^4. Then for a generic symplectic linear operator A the image A(L) meets L at least in 8 point. The estimate is sharp, and one can construct an example with exactly 8 points. This theorem answers a question due to L.Lerman. We will also construct a Lagrangian submanifold L^n in R^{2n} (which coincides with the n-dimensional torus only for n=1,2!) and prove a similar rezult: for generic A the image A(L^n) meets L^n at least in 4n points.