S.Gusein-Zade. The Alexander polynomial of a plane curve singularity and the ring of functions on it. (talk at Arnold's seminar, 20.04.99) In a previous talk (December 1, 1998) there was described an observation that the zeta-function of the classical monodromy transformation of an irreducible plane curve singularity $C$ coincides with the Poincare series of the ring of (germs of) functions on $C$ (i.e., to $\sum_{i=0}^\infty \dim(W_i/W_{i+1})t^i$ for the natural filtration $W_i$ of the ring of functions on $C$ defined by the order of a function considered as a function on a parameter on the curve $C$) and also a global analogue of this statement for an algebraic curve with one place at infinity. There were discussed generalisations of this statement for reducible (i.e., consisting of several branches) plane curve singularities. There are two formulae for the Alexander polynomial of several variables for such a curve in terms of the ring of finctions on the curve. In one of the formulae the coefficients of the Alexander polynomial are written explicitly as Euler characteristics of certain spaces (more precisely, of complements to certain hyperplane arrangements in complex projective spaces). The result were obtained with A.Campillo and F.Delgado (University of Valladolid, Spain.