V.I.Arnol's seminar September 21, 1999 S.M.Natanzon Frobenius structures on the spaces of versal deformations of $A_n$ and $B_n$ singularities. In the beginning of 90-s E.Witten, R.Dijkgraaf, E.Verlinde, H.Verlinde discovered a remarkable system of differential equations (WDVV-equations). B.Dubrovin found that any solution of this system describes a rich differential geometrical structure, which he called Frobenius structure. This structure connects a lot of different regions of mathematics: theory of singularities, integrable systems, quantum cohomology, etc. Frobenius structure appears in particular on the spaces of versal deformations of singularities. Dubrovin described it for simple singularities ($A_n$, $B_n$ etc.). In this case corresponding solutions of WDVV-equations are polynomials. They were known only for $n\leqslant 4$. In the talk they will be found for all $A_n$ and $B_n$.