Moscow Arnold's seminar 14.03.2000 Maxim Kazarian Characteristic Classes of Lagrange Singularities A Russian translation of V.A.Vassiliev's book "Lagrange and Legendre Characteristic classes" is to appear this year. In this book the theory of classes dual to cycles formed by certain type of singularities of Lagrangian (resp. Legendrian) projection is developed. In the talk we present a new point of view to the problem based on the notion of Classifying Space of singularities. This approach provides a universal method for computation of all possible Thom polynomials. In particular we compute classes dual to singularities A7, A8, D8, E8, P9, X9, which was missed in Vassiliev's book. We consider also the complexification of the problem. As always, the Thom polynomials of the Real problem can be obtained from the corresponding polynomials of Complex problem by replacing all Chern classes by Stiefel-Whitney classes and reducing the coefficients modulo 2. The complexification of the problem looks rather natural, It explains, in particular, why the same sequence 1,1,2,2,3,4,5,... serves as the number of singularity classes in each codimension and also as the ranks of cohomology groups of Lagrange Grassmannian. As a byproduct we obtain a Giambelli type formula for Schubert cells on Lagrange Grassmannian. 21.03.00 (continuation) R.Rimanyi's idea works in case of Lagrange and Legendre singularities as well. This also will be explained.