Talk at Arnold's seminar March 6th, 2001 Maxim Kazarian Goryunov-Lando Compactification of Moduli Spaces and Hurwitz Numbers The problem of topological classification of ramified coverings over a sphere was studied first by Hurwitz. Arnold applied the quasihomogeneity of the Lyashko-Loijenga map and gave a topological proof of this combinatorial problem. Later Arnold's approach was extended to some variations of Hurwitz's problem in several papers, in particular, due to Goryunov-Lando and Ekedahl-Lando-Vainshtein-Shapiro. The relation between their constructions was not clarified in those papers. For example, the Hurwitz numbers in [ELVS] is expressed in terms of certain integral over the moduli space of marked curves and it was not clear whether the paper [GL] contains implicitly computation of this integral (in case of genus 0). In this talk we explain the relation between the two constructions: they are really very close. It happens that the paper [GL] has some gap and filling this gap leads to the same integral over the moduli space. So the computation of this integral cannot be avoided (its computation is not difficult in case of genus 0 though). The subject of this talk has appeared after many interesting discussions with V. Goryunov, M. Shapiro, S. Lando.