Talk at Arnold's seminar on Sep 11, 2001 Elena Kudryavtseva (Moscow State University) Periodic solutions of the $N$-body problem and applications to planet systems with satellites The periodic solutions of the $N$-body problem were investigated in partial cases by G.W.Hill (Sun and a planet with a satellite), H.Poincar\'e (Sun and two planets) and later by G.A.Krassinskii (Sun and planets), V.N.Tkhai (Sun and a planet with satellites). We consider the {\it planar $N$-body problem} for the Sun and the arbitrary number of planets and the arbitrary number of satellites, $N\ge 3$. Here the mass of the Sun is supposed to be $1$, the masse have orders $O(\mu\nu)$ where $\mu$ and $\nu$ are `small parameters''. We investigate the periodic solutions of this problem applying technics of the perturbation theory and the average method on a submanifold. The solution of the $N$-body problem is called {\it relative periodic} or {\it periodic} if there exists a pair of real numbers $(T,\alpha)$, called {\it relative period}, such that $T>0$, $-\pi < \alpha \le \pi$ and, for any $t\in \RR$, the configuration of the mass points at time $t+T$ is obtained by rotation of the configuration at time $t$ by the angle $\alpha$ around the barycenter. The solution is called {\it symmetric} if there exists time at which all the mass points are on the same line (i.e.\ one can watch all the planets and the satellites of the Solar system on `parade'') and their velocities are orthogonal to this line. As the `unperturbed problem'' one considers the collection of $N-1$ Kepler problems for independent motions of planets around the Sun and satellites around planets. As the `generating periodic solutions'' one considers the `circular'' solutions of the Kepler problems with the common relative period $(T,\alpha)$. That is, planets uniformly rotate around the Sun along different circular orbits with constant angle velocities $\omega_i$, and satellites uniformly rotate around their planets along different circular orbits with constant angle velocities $\omega_{ij}$. We prove: The $N$-body problem under consideration has $(T,\alpha)$-periodic solutions close to the generating solutions, provided that the nondegeneracy condition $|\alpha| > {\omega_i^2 \over |\omega_{ij}|} T$ holds, that the fractions $|{\omega_i \over \omega_{ij}}|$ of the `months'' to the `years'' are sufficiently small, and that the parameters $\mu$ and $\nu$ are small enough. Moreover, exactely $2^{N-3}$ of these solutions are symmetric, and hence, every half-period $T\over 2$ one can watch a parade for them. In the case $\alpha=0$ there does not exist, in general, such a solution. For the case that all planets rotate in the same (positive) direction, sufficient conditions are given for the stability of some periodic solutions in linear approximation.