Arnold's seminar December 18, 2001 Resolution of corank 1 stable singularities of a generic front V.D.Sedykh New conditions of the coexistence of corank 1 stable singularities of a generic front are found. Namely, if the boundary $\Gamma$ of a connected component of the complement to a front is compact and has only singularities $A_{\mu_1}+\dots+A_{\mu_m}$ with odd multiplicities $\mu_1,\dots,\mu_m$, then the Euler number of any odd-dimensional manifold ${\cal A}$ of singularities of the hypersurface $\Gamma$ is equal to the sum of expressions every of which is nontrivial linear combination of Euler numbers of even-dimensional manifolds of its singularities having the same codimension greater than codimension of the manifold ${\cal A}$. The coefficients of these combinations are universal, i.e. they do not depend on a front, on the ambient space, and on hypersurface $\Gamma$. For a proof we define a resolution of corank 1 stable singularities of a generic front.