Arnold's seminar April 9, 2002 S.Gusein-Zade Zeta-function and Poincare series of a hypersurface singularity. A.Campillo, F.Delgado and S.Gusein-Zade have noticed that the Poincare series of an irreducible plane curve singularity (with respect to a natural filtration on it) coincided with the zeta-function of its classical monodromy transformation. There were generalisations of this fact to (global) algebraic plane curves with one place at infinity and to reducible plane curve singularities. All these facts are proved by direct computations of both sides of an equation. There is no explanation for any of them. Later W.Ebeling described a connection between the Poincare series of an isolated quasihomogeneous 2-dimensional hypersurface singularity (with respect to the quasihomogeneous filtration) and the characteristic polynomial of the monodromy transformation (the relation includes Saito duality between cyclotomic polynomials and orbit invariants of the $C^*$ action on the singularity; in some sense one can say that in the intersection of both statements there are irrreducible quasihomogeneous plane curve singularities $x^a+y^b=0$). We describe a generalisation of the last statement to Newton non degenerate quasihomogeneous hypersurface singularities of any dimension. This clarifies the initial result of W.Ebeling. This is the result of a joint work of W.Ebeling and S.Gusein-Zade.