Arnold's seminar, Moscow University February 18, 2003 S.K.Lando "On conjectures forming the base of the geometry of spaces of rational functions" Recent results belonging to the speaker and D.Zvonkine, concerning the Hurwitz problem about the enumeration of ramified coverings of the 2-sphere with prescribed ramification types, will be described. (In the modern setting, the problem is equivalent to the computation of the quantum cohomology of the projective line.) This problem is reduced, in a now standard way, to a problem about intersection indices in spaces of rational functions. The latter problem can be solved provided that we know the cohomology rings of these spaces, as well as the elements of the rings represented by discriminant strata. Known answers, as well as conjectures simplifying computations and presumable final answers for the case where the covering surface also is the sphere will be presented.