Arnold's seminar, Moscow University March 11, 2003 A.D.Mednykh (Novosibirsk) "Volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds and orbifolds" By the Thurston-Jorgensen theorem, the volumes of hyperbolic 3-dimensional manifolds and orbifolds form on the real line a well-ordrered subset ot the type $\omega^\omega$. The calculation of the volumes of 3-manifolds is a very interesting and difficult problem. First of all we show that known hyperbolic manifolds of small volume are cyclic coverings of the 3-sphere branched over a link or a knot. Then we use the geometrical properties of the orbifold obtained in this way for volume calculation. Then we emphasize that the volumes of orbifolds are closely related to volumes of polyhedra in the hyperbolic space and volumes of convex hulls for quasifuchsian groups and fractal sets. ---------------------------