Arnold's seminar. April 15th 2003 M. Kazarian, LOCALIZED THOM POLYNOMIALS Thom polynomials are the expressions for the cohomology classes dual to singularity loci of smooth maps in terms of the Chern classes of the source and target manifolds. Applications of the theory of Thom polynomials to the enumerative algebraic geometry, differential geometry and topology is well known. In the talk we discuss the application of this theory to the singularity theory itself. The account of relevant characteristic classes leads to enumerative conditions for the existence of singularity classes with prescribed symmetry. For example, the classification of the degeneration of $1$-jets leads to the following splittitng $$ H^*(BU) = \bigoplus_k H^{*-2k(k+q)}(BU(k)\times BU(k+q))$$ for every fixed number $q$. The left hand side of the equality is the ring of polynomials in the Chern classes. The terms entering the right hand side are the so called Porteous-Thom classes and their derived classes. These terms are supported on the loci of points with singularities of fixed corank and have very explicit geometrical meaning. ---