Arnold's seminar April 26, 2005 M. Kazarian An algebro-geometric proof of Witten's conjecture. I mean `small' conjecture of 1991 proved by Kontsevich in 1993. It predicts some intersections numbers on the moduli space M_{g,n} of complex curves with marked points. Though the formulation of the statements is algebro-geometric, all known proofs (there are at least tree published ones) use in an essential way real topology. I present a rather simple purely algebro-geometric way to the computation of these numbers obtained during our discussions with S. Lando, D. Zvonkin, and S. Shadrin. The approach is based on the classical now so called ELSV (Ekeahl-Lando-Shapiro-Vainshtein) formula (1998) that expresses certain Hurwitz numbers (the numbers of ramified coverings of a sphere with prescribed ramifications) as certain Hodge integrals over the moduli space. Strangely enough a simple fact that this formula can be `inverted' to express intersection numbers via Hurwitz ones have not been noticed for a long time. As a result, the proof of the conjecture is reduced to the verification of the coincidence of two explicit formulae for the generating function of these numbers. Using computer, I checked this for several dozen of particular numbers, however, at the moment I have no formal proof. ---