Arnold's seminar, Moscow University, April 25, 2006 On higher analog of current helicity integral in MHD P.M.Akhmetiev, IZMIRAN A magnetic field $B$ in a perfect conductive medium satisfies the equation $$ \frac {d\chi^m}{dt} = 0, \quad \chi^m=\int (\A,\B) dx, \quad rot \A=\B, $$ where $\chi^m$ is called magnetic helicity. In a medium with non-vanishing small magnetic viscosity $\lambda$ the magnetic helicity satisfies the equation $$ \frac{d\chi^m}{dt}=\lambda \chi^{c}, \quad \chi^c=\int (\B, rot \B) dx. $$ The integral on the right hand side is called the current (magnetic) helicity integral. This equation can be proved analytically and admits a topological interpretation. We shall discuss a higher analog (i.e. an analog related to higher algebraic invariants of links and knots) of the currant helicity integral. The new integral is defined by means of an integral formula for the generalized Sato-Levine invariant, which was introduced by L.Traldi (1988), M.Polyak and O.Ya.Viro (1995), P.Kirk and C.Livingston (1997), D.Repovs and the author (1998), Nakanishi and Ohyama (2002) independently. ---