S.~K.~Lando Mutant knots and intersection graphs This is a report about a joint work with S.~Chmutov. Finite order knot invariants are described in terms of chord diagrams --- finite collections of chords with disjoint ends in a circle. The intersection graph of a chord diagram is the graph whose vertices are in one-to-one correspondence with the chords of the diagram, and two vertices are connected by an edge if the corresponding chords intersect. The intersection graph of a chord diagram carries only a part of the information encoded in the diagram. The study of weight systems depending on the intersection graph of a chord diagram rather than on the diagram itself was initiated in our joint works with S.~Duzhin more than ten years ago. Mutant knots are pairs of knots that differ by rotation of a two-string tangle. We prove that a finite order knot invariant does not distinguish mutant knots if and only if the corresponding weight system depends on the intersection graph only. This theorem produces a variety of corollaries and leads to a number of interesting conjectures.