M. Skopenkov A formula for the group of links in the 2-metastable dimension. http://arXiv.org/abs/math.GT/0610320 We present a short proof of an explicit formula for the group of links (and also link maps) in the $2$-metastable dimension. This improves a result of Haefliger from 1966. Theorem. Assume that $p\le q\le m-3$ and $2p+2q\le 3m-7$. Denote by $L^m_{p,q}$ (resp. $K^m_p$) the group of smooth embeddings $S^p\sqcup S^q\to S^m$ (resp. $S^p\to S^m$) up to smooth isotopy. Then $$ L^m_{p,q}\cong \pi_p(S^{m-q-1})\oplus\pi_{p+q+2-m}(SO/SO_{m-p-1})\oplus K^m_p\oplus K^m_q. $$ Our approach is based on an exact sequence involving the group of links, link maps and their relative versions. The latter are classified via the $\beta$-invariant of Koschorke, Habegger and Kaiser.