Topology, geometry and algebra of knots Fizmatclub, Autumn 2005 12 lectures 1. Knots, links, braids, tangles. Orientation. Knot diagrams. Reidemeister moves. Invariant: number of arc colorings. 2. Representation of a knot as a link closure. Braid group: generators and relations, Artin's theorem. Braid group on 3 strands as the group of the trefoil knot. 3. Braids: Markov's theorem, Garside's theorem, generators and relations for the group of pure braids. Burau representation. 4. Seifert surface. Genus of a knot. Decomposition of a knot into primes. Seifert form and Seifert matrix. 5. Signature, determinant, Alexander polynomial, Conway polynomial. 6. Cobordism. Concordance. Slice knots. Alexander polynomial via arc markings. 7. The group of a knot. Wirtinger presentation. Dehn's lemma. Gordon-Luecke theorem. 8. Fox calculus. Relation between the group of a knot and Alexander's polynomial. Quandle invariants. Presentations of modules. 9. Coverings. Knot complement. Alexander duality. Mayer-Vietoris theorem. 10. Alexander covering. The group of a knot and knot inversion. Theorem of Trotter about pretzel knots. 11. The Jones polynomial. Tait's conjectures. 12. Knot notation: Dowker's code, Conway's code. Continued fractions and rational links. Literature C. Adams. The Knot Book. Chmutov--Duzhin, CDBooK. Chapters 1, 2. Duzhin--Chmutov, Uzly i ikh invarianty. Mat. prosveschenie, n. 3, 1999, pp. 59-93 (in Russian). Online at Ch. Livingston. Knot theory. Prasolov, Sossinsky. Knots, links, braids and 3-manifolds, Russian version available online at R. Lickorish. An introduction to knot theory. Joan Birman. Braids, links, and mapping class groups. Crowell, Fox. Introduction to knot theory. (Best in Russian translation by A.M.Vinogradov -- because of ample translator's comments and because this edition also includes R.Fox's paper "A quick trip to knot theory"). K.Murasugi. Knot theory and its applications. D.Rolfsen. Knots and Links.