"Moscow--Petersburg" seminar on low-dimensional mathematics SPb, PDMI, 28.09.2001 S.K.Lando (IUM, Moscow) "Galois group acting on graphs" The action of the Galois group Gal(\bar{Q}/Q) on graphs embedded in two-dimensional surfaces, which was discovered by A.Grothendieck, relies on two facts: 1. (topological, known for about 100 years) -- a ramified covering of the sphere corresponds to a graph embedded in the covering surface, and this correspondence is in a sense one-to-one; 2. (algebro-geometric, a recent theorem of G.Belyi) -- a complex curve is defined over the field of algebraic numbers if and only if it carries a meromorphic function with no more than 3 critical values. The natural action of the Galois group on the set of meromorphic functions defined over the field of algebraic numbers, defines its action on embedded graphs. In this talk, we will introduce the basic notions and discuss certain invariants of this action. Numerous examples will be given. Home page of the seminar: http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/~duzhin/lowdimma.html