Moscow--Petersburg seminar on low-dimensional mathematics SPb, PDMI, room 311, 21.12.2001, 16:00--17:45 A.M.Vershik. Universality and Universal Objects (Urysohn's Space, Hall's Group, Erd\"os' Graph). Universal objects in mathematics (universal coverings, universal enveloping algebras, terminal objects in a category etc.), apart from their role in solving concrete problems, are even more useful in giving a general view of the theory and formulating good questions. The talk is dedicated to the following three universal objects which are quite important but up to now were very little studied. -- the universal Polish (i.e. complete separable metric) space defined 80 years ago by P.S.~Urysohn. -- the universal locally finite group defined 50 years ago by Ph.~Hall. -- the universal infinite graph defined 30 years ago by P.~Erd\"os. We ought to study and use these objects. ----------------------------------------------------- Seminar home page: