Moscow--Petersburg seminar on low-dimensional mathematics SPb, PDMI, 29.03.2002, 16:00--17:45, room 311 Maxim Kazarian Multisingularities and cobordisms Enumerative geometry is traditionally considered as a subject of intersection theory. Modern intersection theory with its methods of singular schemes, blowing-ups, residue intersections, and Hilbert schemes is rather technical and the proof of very simple geometrically evident results require often many pages of complicated formulas and commutative diagrams. For example, the number of planes in $CP^3$ touching a fixed degree $d$ smooth hypersurface at three points was computed by Salmon in the middle of XIX-th century but the rigorous proof that would satisfy modern algebraists has appeared comparatively recently. On the other hand, the answer to similar question about hypersurfaces in $CP^4$, $CP^5$,... the modern theory is unable to give. In the talk we present an alternative approach to enumerative geometry whose motivation belongs to topology, more precisely, to the theory of cobordisms and cohomological operations. We present several hundred new enumerative formulas obtained with this approach which solve, in particular, the following problem. Let $H\subset CP^n$ be a generic smooth hypersurface of degree $d$. What is the number of $k$-dimensional subspaces $L$ such that the intersection $L\cap H$ has prescribed collection $\alpha_1,...,\alpha_r$ of isolated singularities? We present the answer to this question for small $n,k,d$. For $n\le 3$ these formulas agree with classical formulas of Plucker and Salmon.