Moscow--Petersburg seminar on low-dimensional mathematics SPb, PDMI, 12.04.2002, 16:00--17:45, room 311 Taras E. Panov (Moscow State University) Combinatorial aspects of torus actions (based on joint works with Victor M. Buchstaber) We describe some new relationships between torus actions on manifolds or more general spaces and combinatorial objects such as polytopes, simplicial complexes, cubical complexes, and subspace arrangements. The case of our particular concern is simplicial and cubical subdivisions of manifolds and, especially, spheres. The constructions allowing to study such combinatorial objects by means of commutative and homological algebra are described. This approach unifies commutative algebra methods brought into the combinatorics by Stanley and topological treatment of torus actions by Davis and Januszkiewicz and gives rise to the theory of moment-angle complexes, currently being developed by V.M.Buchstaber and the author, see [1]. The theory centres around a construction that assigns to each simplicial complex K with m vertices a T^m -space Z_K with a special bigraded cellular decomposition. In this framework, the algebraic non-singular toric varieties arise as orbit spaces of maximal free actions of subtori on moment-angle complexes corresponding to simplicial spheres. Different combinatorial invariants of simplicial complexes and other related combinatorial-geometrical objects acquire a nice and surprisingly regular interpretation in terms of the bigraded cohomology rings of the corresponding moment-angle complexes. [1] V.M.Buchstaber and T.E.Panov. Torus actions, combinatorial topology and homology algebra, Russian Math. Surveys 55 (2000), no. 5, 825-921. Available at