Moscow--Petersburg seminar on low-dimensional mathematics SPb, PDMI, 10.05.2002, 16:00--17:45, room 311 Knotted Tori A. Skopenkov The theory of knotted tori (i. e. isotopy classes of embeddings $S^p\times S^q\to R^m$) is interesting because it is a generalization of an important classical theory of links (with two components of the same dimension). Just as the link theory, the theory of knotted tori provides interesting examples (of Alexander, Hudson, Haefliger, Milgram-Rees, Tindell and the author) and new relations with algebraic topology. Classification of knotted tori can also be considered as a step towards classification of isotopy classes of arbitrary manifolds in $R^m$ (by the Handle Decomposition Theorem). Classification theorems for knotted tori (Hudson, Haefliger-Hirsch and the author) will be stated. A group structure on the set of knotted tori, generators of this set and invariants distinguishing knotted tori will explicitly be constructed. Many specific corollaries will be presented (e. g. that $S^1\times S^q$ is unknotted in $\R^{2q-1}$ for $q>5$). Some open problems in this area will be posed. Knowledge of basic notions of topology will be sufficient to understand main ideas of the talk. Although mostly higher-dimensional knotted tori will be studied, low-dimensional illustrations and analogues will always be presented.