Seminar on low-dimensional mathematics "Moscow-Petersburg" March 28, 2003 DEQUANTIZATION OF MATHEMATICS G.L. Litvinov This is a talk on heuristic aspects of Idempotent Mathematics in the spirit of current works of V.P. Maslov and his collaborators. Idempotent Mathematics can be treated as a result of a dequantizati- on of the traditional Mathematics as the Planck constant tends to zero taking pure imaginary values. For example, the field of real numbers can be treated as a quantum object whereas idempotent semi- rings can be examined as "classical" or "semiclassical" objects (a semiring is called idempotent if the semiring addition is idem- potent, i.e. x + x = x). In the spirit of N. Bohr's correspondence principle there is a (heuristic) correspondence between important, useful, and interes- ting constructions and results over fields and similar results over idempotent semirings. For example, the superposition principle in Quantum Mechanics (i.e. the linearity of the Schroedinger equation) corresponds to a linearity of the Hamilton-Jacobi and Bellman equa- tions over idempotent semirings. A systematic application of this correspondence principle leads to a variety of results including such exotic applications as a methodology to construct computer devices (processors) for numerical calculations and to get the cor- responing patents. The so-called tropical algebraic geometry in the sense of O. Viro, G. Mikhalkin and others is an idempotent version of the traditional algebraic geometry. ---------------------- Seminar home-page