Seminar po malomernoi matematike 25 december 2003 (Thursday!), Room 402 (!) 16:00--18:00 Maxim Anzin. New results on lattices and sphere packings 1. Projective inequalities method and Perfect forms. The third step of the Voronoi's general algorithm on enumeration of the perfect forms is accomplished (for all dimensions n>=9, n<>{k^2-1, k^2+1, k^2+3}). 2. New estimates for the minimum density of lattice coverings of the Euclidean space by equal balls. For the Coxeter lattices An,r (A11,4; A13,7; A14,5; A15,7 and other), a full description of the structure of the L-partition is given. In thess cases, the values of the density function of the covering proved to be better (less) then the formerly known values."