Moscow--Petersburg seminar on low-dimensional mathematics September 10, 2004 On A.D.Alexandrov's hypothesis, hyperbolic polytopes and hyperbolic fans G.Panina Non-trivial hyperbolic virtual polytopes appeared as an auxillary construction for various counterexamples to the following A.D.Alexandrov's conjecture: Let $K \subset \Bbb R^3$ be a smooth convex body If for a constant $C$, in each point of $ \partial K$, we have $R_1 \leq C \leq R_2$, then $K$ is a ball. ($R_1$ and $R_2$ are the principal curvature radii of $\partial K$).} For a long time mathematicians were certain about correctness of the hypothesis but obtained only some partial resunts. Recently, Y.Martinez-Maure (2001) has given a counterexample. First, he demonstrated that each smooth {\it hyperbolic h\'erisson } (i.e., a hyperbolic h\'erisson with a smooth support function) generates a desired counterexample. Next, he presented such an example, namely, a hyperbolic surface with four {\it horns} (i.e., points where the surface is neither hyperbolic nor smooth), given by an explicit formula. Surprisingly, this counterexample proved to be not unique: a series of counterexamples was given by G.Panina (2003) (hyperbolic h\'erissons with any even number of horns). Later, it turned out that they are even more various. advanced examples (in particular, with odd number of horns) were obtained by G.Panina, 2004. In addition, we discuss the fans of hyperbolic virtual polytopes. They have interesting combinatorial properties. The edges of such a fan admit a {\it proper coloring}, which encodes important properties of the virtual polytope. For example, a cell of the fan corresponds to a horn of the polytope, if and only if the color changes two times as going around the cell. Hyperbolic virtual polytopes can be classified in a reasonable way by the number of horns. However, there exists a finer classification related to arrangements of non-intersecting oriented great semi-circles on the sphere. Regular triangulations of hyperbolic fans are of particular interest. They lead to a refinement of A.D. Alexandrov's uniqueness theorem for convex polytopes. ---