Seminar on low-dimensional mathematics 24.12.2004 On the hull numbers of torus links I.Izmestiev The n-th hull of a union of curves in ${\mathbb R}^3$ is the set of points $p$ with the following property: Any plane passing through $p$ intersects the curves at least $2n$ times. The hull number $u(L)$ of a link $L$ is defined as the minimum number of non-empty hulls a representative of $L$ can have. Cantarella, G.Kuperberg, Kusner, and Sullivan proved that any non-trivial knot has hull number at least $2$ and conjectured that the hull number of the $(p,q)$-torus knot equals its bridge number $\min(p,q)$. In the talk we will show that the hull numbers of torus links are smaller than expected, but still large. In particular, for a link of type $(p,p)$ it is equal to (the ceiling function of) $3p/5$, and in general for the type $(p,q)$ with $q>p$ it is greater than or equal to $\frac{p}{2}$. Proofs use the Helly's theorem and certain properties of meridional generators of the group of a torus link. ---