Seminar on low-dimensional mathematics March 3, 2006 Maxim Vsemirnov. Is the group SL(6,Z) (2,3)-generated? A group is called (2,3)-generated if it can be generated by an involution and an element of order 3. These groups can be also characterized as homomorphic images of PSL(2,Z). The class of (2,3)-generated groups is extremely large and any classification is hopeless. Thus, some restricted classes of (2,3)-generated groups are studied. For the groups SL(n,Z) the answer, which is close to be optimal, was given by Tamburini and Sacchini. Namely, they proved that SL(n,Z) is (2,3) generated for any n>12. On the other hand, SL(2,Z), SL(3,Z), SL(4,Z) are not (2,3)-generated (this is rather trivial for n=2,4, and non-trivial for n=3). For 4