Семинар по маломерной математике Пятница, 18 апреля 2008, $16^{00}-17^{45}$, ауд. 311 В.М.Закалюкин (Москва--Ливерпуль) Lagrangian projections with boundary. We consider Lagrangian mappings of a Lagrangian manifold with a boundary. A boundary is an isotropic hypersurface in the Lagrangian manifold. These pairs are natural in various settings of singularity theory applications to differential equations and variational problems. Isotropic submanifold plays the role of the initial data set and Lagrangian submanifold is the solution of Hamilton-Jacobi equation with the initial data. The pair is embedded into the phase space which usually is the cotangent bundle of the configuration space. We classify simple classes of the projections to the configuration space of these pairs. As it is well known the Arnold's boundary singularities are related to projections of the pairs of Lagrangian submanifolds (of dimension $n$) which has $n-1$-dimensional regular intersection and transversal complementary directions. We use more rough equivalence relation of the corresponding generating families. --- http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/~lowdimma