Международный математический институт им. Леонарда Эйлера
The decision of the Academy of Sciences to create the Euler International Mathematical Institute (EIMI) was first announced in 1988 in recognition of the high contribution of the Russian mathematical School to international mathematics.
The creation of the Euler Institute was made possible by the support of the Academy of Sciences as well as assistence from some international organizations including UNESCO, JEC FUND, Japan Association for Mathematical Science, Society for the Support of the Euler Institute (Berlin).
The main purpose of the EIMI is to serve as a meeting place for leading scientists of the former Soviet Union and their foreign colleagues. The activity of the EIMI consists in the organization and running of scientific programs, conferences and workshops on concrete mathematical problems of fundamental importance for mathematics and its applications.
The scientific activity of the EIMI began in October, 1990 on the premises of the Leningrad Branch of the V.A.Steklov Mathematical Institute. It was continued at the present, renovated building after its official inauguration in September 1992.
The decision to unite the activities of the Euler Institute and the St.Petersburg Branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute was taken in 1995. Now the reorganization is complete.
The Euler International Mathematical Institute began operation in January 1996 as a part of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St.Peterburg of the Russian Academy of Sciences.