PDMI Seminars:
- General Mathematics Seminar
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar
- St. Petersburg Logic Seminar
- Computational Complexity Seminar
- Moscow-Petersburg Seminar on Low-Dimensional Mathematics
- St.Petersburg Seminar on Quantum Field Theory
- St.Petersburg Seminar on Representation Theory and Dynamical Systems
- V.I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics
- D.K. Faddeev Algebra Seminar
- A.D. Alexandrov Geometry Seminar
- St. Petersburg Seminar on Wave Diffraction and Propagation
- Seminar on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
- St.Petersburg Seminar on Operator Theory and Function Theory
- V.A. Rokhlin Topology Seminar
- Seminar on Applied Probabilistic and Algorithmic Methods
- Joint online-seminar "Probability and theoretical statistics"