Dynamics, Combinatorics, Representations   

August 31- September 4, 2015

Euler International Mathematical Institute,
St. Petersburg, RUSSIA

The conference "Dynamics,Combinatorics,Representations" is held on 31/8-4/9, 2015 at the Euler Institute, St.Petersburg.

Program committee:

A. M. Vershik - chair,
K. Schmidt,
J.-P. Thouvenot,
G. Olshanski,
V. Bergelson.

Organizing committee:

F. Petrov - chair, A. Malyutin, A. Lodkin, P. Zatiskiy, N. Zalesskaya, T. Vinogradova.

The conference is partially supported by the Chebyshev Laboratory of SPbU through "Native Towns", the social investment program of JSC "Gazprom Neft"

We want to cover the following themes:

1. Combinatorial and arithmetical examples (substitutions, adic shifts, rearrangements, continued fractions).
2. Entropy, scaling entropy, non-amenable entropy.
3. Invariant measures, graded graphs, boundaries on infinity, traces of algebras, characters and representations of locally finite groups.
4. Filtrations, standardness, inner metric.
5. Combinatorics of paths, generating functions, identities, symmetric functions, formulae of generalized binomial coefficients.
6. Dynamics of metrics, Cantor dynamics, ergodic K-theory.
7. Polymorphisms, Markov operators, metric hyperbolicity.
8. Nonconventional ergodic averages and applications.

  • The program will consist of general talks [50 min], short presentations [25 min] and discussions.

  • Proceedings of the Conference are to be published as a special issue of PDMI journal.

  • Do not hesitate to contact the organizers by the following E-mail address: dcr@imi.ras.ru